Thursday, April 12, 2007

North-South explained

I don't wish to comment about this particular subject at this point in time. Follow the link. Get off the computer and go do something more productive. :)


  1. Will you ever wish to comment about this particular subject?

  2. That depends. If he wishes to speak against it, then no - he never wishes to open his mouth. :-) I have a long arm that is not deterred by distances of a mere, what? 300, 400 miles?


  3. It is certainly an "interesting" subject. It's made even more interesting by the fact that it was brought up in a van headed out of (or into?) Dallas almost 2 YEARS ago, and that she is still pursuing this trivial matter...

    Frankly JCP, my interest in this was merely "mildly humorous" because you were trying to find the answer to this question so long after it came up.

    I will gladly accept the consequences of this comment. JCP is not the world ruler... yet. ;)

  4. If I have any say in the matter, jc will never be the world ruler;) The only thing that changed was a few things on my profile, nothing interesting.

  5. You know what? You are coming extremely close to Danger Zone. I happen to be planning on honoring your little town with my presence this weekend and I know where you live. Guess what? I've had 2 YEARS to build my case on the issue!!!!!! Frankly, you are a fickle friend!!!!!


  6. LOL!!

    Now seriously, is this another one of those "joking matters", sorta like "dear Shadow" and all that? I certainly meant no offense towards you yourself. Ya know, sometimes I just don't know what on earth is going on with these strings of comments... (Note:I almost--note almost!--used instead of "strings of comments..." "inside your head...", but I figured that might offend my good ol friend who happens to live in OK. Now would you go and get upset about something so trivial like that?)

    I have plenty to say about this matter all of a sudden. For example, it wouldn't be politically correct to criticize JCP's idea, now would it? But it happens to be one of my rights! Plus that 300-400 mile long arm of hers loses its... potency after such a stretch.

    All in the name of good fun. ;)

  7. Where are you Specter?!?!

  8. Hello? Is anybody home?

  9. Come come, it isn't all that bad, I haven't beat my record yet! (record for not posting that is) Not that I'm trying to...

    I have been gone since Wednesday. I'm tired. I didn't want to post before that. I'm... nevermind. I will post eventually. That's all you need to know :)

  10. I'm tired. Don't bother me about posting. And don't listen to anything I say because I'm just trying to get your goat. I can say whatever i want and you can't get mad at me because I'm just kidding.

    hahaha. FYI I am laughing now and I was laughing when I wrote that previous comment. :-)

    Shock value? Alright, I admittedly post certain things for shock value but in the case of the belly dancing I was simply recording my day, and emphasizing that it was rather interesting.


  11. Well, I can testify that there really were belly dancers, but I wish I hadn't been there to see them! It was awful, the dancing I mean;)

  12. And may I add that this is WAY to many comments for one post!

  13. Quite complaining, it's only twelve! I remember my first had... well over twenty!
