Sunday, October 28, 2007


By the way, click on the title.

October 26-28 2007

"Gnarly" was the "word of the trip" for this year's NACHEA (not NAHSA anymore--I know, it's a little bit of disappointment. I am not big on the idea of an acronym that sounds like a sneeze :) family camping trip. I don't know if anybody knows what I'm talking about, so I'll elaborate.

The camp ground was out near the Trinity River, at Trinity Pines Camp. Some people may know it as "the place Evan and Caleb worked all summer". It's sort of like a family campground area sort of thing out by a lake. I don't quite know how to describe it. Anyhow, the NACHEA families went out and camped in the RV area, and not just with RVs. Some of us had to use *gasp* tents! Needless to say, we survived despite the hardship of tents and bringing our own food. Speaking of we, I need to explain that too. (don't worry, gnarly is making a comeback in the near future)

Unfortunately, we were not able ...Isn't it so splendid having the possibility of work emergencies (some really sick person) even when your off? And not getting even that much time off? I'm sure Dad loves it... to go as a family. So Andrew and I were invited by the Jones family to come along with them. So we is either a general Joshua, Joy, Mrs. Jones, Andrew, and I, or else the NACHEA group as a whole on the trip.

Shortly after "we" arrived, I found Aarin off doing his own thing and describing things as gnarly. I declared there and then that we needed a word of the trip, and that it would be "gnarly". I'll now end this short paragraph with a confident :D

A short video from the trip.

Following are some pictures from what we did all weekend.

Dodgeball, believe it or not. Each team tries to get the other team out by hitting them with little foam balls. Fun. Note that I was unable to get in action shots because of grumpiness expressed towards the camera man.

And of course, the good old truck. It managed to be useful through the whole trip. Bandwagon, bleachers, equipment truck, cargo truck....

Find the hole that is infamous for its difficulty.

I might throw in some scenery from the trip later on, in another post. Toodles for now, my friends.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. It looks like fun, actually.
