Monday, November 26, 2007


Short explanation.

I have been gone since Tuesday the previous week, spending most of that time either in Weslaco or Reynosa. I just got back a few hours ago. Further explanation pending.

And Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Lotsa thanks to give! Now obviously, these are not randomly thrown thanks. Who do you thank, and for what? Just something to consider.

"We apologize for the inconvenience."



  1. Thrust, Petr, thrust. With enough oomph, I think the car could be suspended in the air indefinitely.

    I thank Madame Gobel for instilling in me an eternal love of dance and for helping me to appreciate how beautiful ballet can really be. I also thank my first real youth minister, Mark, for being my good friend, for edifying me when I had doubts, and for being an awesome example of a cool old guy.


  2. And what "inconvenience" is it that you are apologizing for?



  3. Notice the quotes. It's an inside reference, thankyouverymuch. Fear not, I just thought it might fight with the "pending" part of the post.

    I must depart!

  4. I am thankful for having Skype so that I can talk to people, but more thankful for the bond of Christ's body, which gives you a home no matter where you are.
