Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who needs sleep

Me. That simple enough?

Happy Easter. And happy Thanksgiving, and merry Christmas. As I'm sure you know that every Lord's day is.

So about that thing people call real life. I happen to have one. It's not as real as it sometimes seems, and it's perhaps less real sometimes than it should be. And many debaters are sorely disappointed when it comes to call.

Ah, the analytical paper. I know, I know, two pages isn't much, and sure, it's about the evils of socialism (ever read The Jungle? *rolls of eyes*), which many people have much to say about. But that won't change the fact that I shall lament this paper until the day I'm done, until the day I'm gone into the wild blue yonder....

Debating. And such is (real?) life.


Friday, March 14, 2008

March! Already?

Whatever happened to February? And now we're on the verge of April! Gotta get some more posts up... but you already know that. :D

Recent events include: Debating in Houston, debating in Dallas, debating in Arkansas, canoeing trip, debating Joshua, debating Erika, debating empty air, rewriting cases, rewriting cases, researching...

Yeah. Anywho, the last debate tournament was in Houston, a national open. Anybody in the nation could come to this one. And come they did. Most of the people were from region 4 (this general area, several states in the south--I don't remember which ones...), but there was also a large group of "outsiders". I think the "outsiders" actually won both LD and TP, while the region 4 people struggled just to get to the outrounds. And of course there were the unfortunate many, who lost 5 out of their 6 rounds. :'(

All in a short 4 days. Much talking and visiting.

"Shut the door when you go through!"

Must you ask about daily life? Ok. But it's not all fun and games, I have to warn you.

The past few days (for me) have been mostly isolationism. Isolationism this, isolationism that, we need to isolate because of our oil dependence, can't because of the UN, should because of the UN, no way! Assertions all of it! Is NOT! Is too! And the rest of the time is either "typical" school (impossible trigonometric functions, redox chemistry, The Jungle) or just sitting. Plenty of extra time, just not enough motivation to post again.

The cats are shedding. And happy. The gerbil is eating as much as ever, and still chewing through half foot cardboard tubes in less than 10 minutes. "The Girls" all say hi to you too, Daisy.

Had I a picture, I would post it here.
