Saturday, May 30, 2009

smallish post?

Greetings and salutation once again, friends, family, passers-by, unkowns, anonymous fellows, and anybody that I could refer to as "dear reader".  Yes, that would indeed be you =D

Before I get into anything serious (maybe coming up in a future blog post), some sort of prediction of the future is necessary.

I fully intend to be gone for the next few weeks, with the exception of June 6th, 7th, 21st, 22nd, and the 27th ends the extended leave.  What could possibly take so long, you ask?  Well I'm so glad you asked =D

Pine Cove this first week... Christian summer camp in Tyler, and I spend the entire week there.  Isolated from the outside world.  No news updates, no following people's blogs or anything of the sort.  The next week I'm off to Oklahoma to visit my cousins and help out with their VBS -- did I mention they were here from Monday to Thursday morning.  We had a lot of fun with them.  I'm afraid I didn't get any pictures (I fully intend to haul a camera around for the next few weeks just to show you what happened and who was involved)....  SO as I was saying, the next week after that (21st - 27th) I'll be out in central Texas at El Rancho Cima boy scout camp.  That of course will be the icing on top of the cake, just one more wonderful trip to add to it all.  And I'll be sure to sleep about 48 hours straight when I get back, just to make sure I'm ready for whatever next comes up.

So while I'd love to stick around and type until I can type no longer... I just can't do so for much longer.  Perhaps I have already done so.  I shall return


1 comment:

  1. All the best with your traveling! Was praying for you today. Hope it's all going well. Sounds like some exciting outreach opportunities.
