Sunday, May 20, 2007


I say hello to anyone who's listening...

I don't get it. We're heading into summer and more time on everybody's hands (most everybody that is) and yet the blogger community around me has... well, decided it wanted to move on. (note: this excludes JCP and Ellentia--who have both been hanging around the place for quite a while. thanks) So I will post what I can think of for those few who are still watching.

Random thought #1: Is it just me, or has the entire idea of a "blog" died away in this country? Or at least you don't see nearly as many reports about "bloggers say X" or "bloggers think Y is cool, but Z is out". Coincidence? Perhaps, perhaps not. Perhaps it's my imagination.

Somewhat random thought #2: Bummer. It just left my mind.

Recent events:
Last night was fun. The Reese's had a 50's party. For the first two hours, it was talk and eat and a couple competitions. For the rest of the time (until around 10PM) people were dancing to 50's music and talking.
But even before that, there was a "crawfish boil" out at Fern Lake. One of Dad's hospital "parties". The best part about it was the food. Good food, and lots of it, in many different kinds. But that was nothing compared to the Sock Hop.


These weeks are almost hard on me. I know, I can't complain, especially after hearing what college students are going through. Trust me, I haven't a clue what it means to be bogged down by "all that work", but you have my sympathy.
Even after that disclaimer, I will say that my Algebra 2 is getting annoying. Circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas are apparently a section that nobody likes. I certainly don't.

As the summer goes on, I find that I can be home on weekends more and more. I suppose you heard about the fiasco of spring debating? Gone or sick almost every weekend. I start to miss listening to pastor Mark's sermons, even if they are long. More weekends means more working out to try to be ready for Double H wilderness in New Mexico. They drop us in the middle of nowhere, let us hike around for a week, then pick us up again. It's supposed to be a lot of fun. I really hope so.

Ok, so I need to get off now, mostly because I can't type forever and my source of info starts to get tired of typing. Farewell.


  1. Thanks for posting, Petr! :o)

    It is good, now that the semester is over, to be able to spend more time back at the "home church" so to speak. I know that for the past two months or so I haven't been here on weekends much, either.

    Haha, but the good part about being a college student is that you don't have to do schoolwork through the summer. *grin*

  2. Hellooo! We're back form nac! We got home about an hour and a half ago and I'm exhausted!

    6 and a half hours in the car is not a fun adventure. And the worst thing is that now we get to do it all over again tomorrow.

    I may post later this evening.


  3. Were back for the second time and I posted again and it is an interesting post so you might want to read it.

    **takes breath**


  4. Hey! Ummmm, I am really sorry we didn't get to see ya'll but really, it would be absolutely impossible to see everybody, which we found out. *sigh* We really had a good time, but there were so many people we didn't get to.

    Thank you for the birthday salutations....I am very excited. This is supposed to be the big one, right? :-)

    I don't think the motorhome really self-destructed - something probably sparked and it had several tanks of propane and a full tank of gas that just ignited, I guess.


  5. Hey, Petr. I'm having fun at your house right now. *grin*

  6. More time? Some people have more time. I don't have school, but I am going on several trips this summer - camps, mission days with the youth, at least one visit back to Texas, that kind of thing. I get busy packing beforehand, and afterwards I think about so many things that happened that I couldn't possible get them all into a post so I just don't try. *shrug* Do I sound like I'm making sense? :-)


  7. I miss you, cavorite fusin! :o) Have a good time at camp....


