Saturday, June 02, 2007

May 20-June 2nd, and beyond

It's been a while, hasn't it? Ah, well, as JCPenney put it so accurately, "I get busy packing beforehand, and afterwards I think about so many things that happened that I couldn't possible get them all into a post so I just don't try." I totally understand you. :)

So about the entire last week, I was gone to a Boy Scout Summer camp out near Bastrop. Really hot and humid. It was not the funnest camp I've been at, but it wasn't the overall worst either. I got the geology merit badge (does any of this matter to anybody?), got a partial on cooking, and took an all afternoon all week long C.O.P.E course (Challenging outdoor personal experience or something). Despite my presence there all week and a pool along with a lake, I only swam twice. The first was swim check, the second was "troop swim". Boo. I wanted to do more of that. :(

Who is asking about what Ross is doing? He's currently in Lufkin working for Temple Inland as an intern. That means that every weekend he can come home and spend the weekend. It also means that I don't have to solve every computer problem around here.

Yesterday was... "fun". Another day spent on lawncare. It was a new job, a really big one. We spent all morning on it and after lunch another 2 hours. After that we went back to the Reese's house and swam and played AA. :)
Oh and yeah I get payed a little bit for working for them.

I am not gonna put a lot of effort into this post right now. See ya later.

God Bless.



  1. Thanks for posting, Petr. Always try is my motto, but you see the result: six-page posts that only a couple of people have the patience to sit through. :o)

    Sorry you didn't get to do more swimming. The only time I've been swimming so far this summer was in the ocean. I haven't gone at all in Stillwater yet. *sigh* Maybe some afternoon before I go to work, I'll drive by the YMCA, jump in, and get wet before I have to sit in the booth all evening.

  2. But at least you got to swim on Monday.

    Welcome back to the grind of summer life.

  3. Packing beforehand? I just wait until the day were supposed to leave and then run around franticly trying to pack ;)

    When I went to camp I didn't swim very much either, the water was way to cold.

    By the way, how do you use HTML tags on comments? I can't figure it out.


  4. Alright, lets see if this works (I'm testing the HTML tags).



    Good, they work.


  5. Are you going to Nicks graduation tonight? Say hi to everyone for me if you are.


  6. When did I get sentimental? I don't recall....


  7. I just looked at your profile and noticed that you are very old. It was a special moment. Goodbye.

  8. How was your hiking trip?


  9. I was wondering which illustrious arithmetic scholar would be the first to point out the rather obvious error. :-)


  10. I suppose it would be relatively easier for me to get a good swim since we have a pool in our yard.


