Sunday, January 20, 2008


So I figured, hey, it's a Sunday night, not quite very late yet, why not update on that 'ol blog for the benefit of the readers, pass along some messages, maybe have some fun.

To the D's in OK: Traffic in Norman was ABSOLUTETLY terrible. Much ice, slow moving vehicles, took us thirty minutes to get through what should have been a five minute area. Yet again, I never liked Oklahoma for it's weather.

So maybe it isn't me, but I thought I'd show you something of what the trip was like. Said skiing trip was in Breckenridge, CO. Much snow. Light powder all week. Absolutely the best snow I've ever skied in. Of course, the downside was that it snowed all week long, and was much colder than any other ski trip that I can remember being on. The result was that most of us looked sort of like the guy in this picture, but with sometimes oversized coats, hats (instead of helmet), gators, and in general attempting to bare as little skin as possible to the cold air rushing past. I say rushing, because some of us like to go fast, down the hardest "runs" on the mountain. That is, the hardest ones not exposed to lots of wind.

Up on the very peak of the mountain (peak 8 it's called), the wind was no doubt blowing very hard most if not all of the time. The powder was sometimes knee deep (more fun for the skier!).

Currently playing: (intentional, I assure you) LOTR TTT soundtrack; Gollum's song

Kinda gloomy. Whadya know, it's Gollum.

Has it ever occurred to my readers that it takes motivation to type up a good, original, perhaps inspirational post? It does. And it also depends on something, or rather somebody.

Something so simple as typing on this keyboard takes God's hand. And how many times has it been taken for granted... ? Countless, no doubt. Such a simple thing, yet so hard -- to rely on God for not just the big, bad, scary things like attempting to rush down a "double black diamond", but also for daily life. Simple? Surely not! The daily life of an average US citizen ("American" is so overused) should be example enough. Hard to face such a fact, it is.

(F.B., I've now moved on to LOTR ROTK The End of All Things. I don't type as fast as you can. ^_^)

The track's almost done. I am done. Such a "coincidence". Whadya know.
Gnight y'all.



  1. Thank you for the post, Petr. Good to remember that we are indeed dependent on God for all things, even the simplest actions in life.

    And glad you had fun skiing....

  2. Well, OBVIOUSLY! Traffic in Norman is ALWAYS bad. I mean always. And what does your comment mean? Did I leave you "dangling?" It was a clever limerick.

    I can't believe you! We actually have REAL winters here, and NO humidity in the summer!


  3. It is to humid in the summer! Of course, not anything like Nac's humidity but it is still humid.

    May I say that the lack of motivation is very often the cause of a blog lying stagnant. It can very often be difficult to write (type) anything interesting.

    I just used "very often" one too many times.



  4. Hello there Peter.
    Skiing sounds definetly great.
    I think your general writing style is improving, your blog is very enjoyable to read.
    You also seem to be getting rather philosophical, which is exciting to me.

    PS: I love Gollum's often speaks to me.

  5. My brother used to listen to Gollum's song over and over. I guess it kind of grew on me after a while and I find it somewhat pleasurable, if sad to listen to.

    I got to go skiing in Colorado for my first time this past month and really liked it. I've only been on California snow before, which is pretty packed and wet and turns into ice relatively quickly. It was a lot of fun.
