Thursday, January 31, 2008

Leave it to the--

What exactly is the point of a philosopher's life? Somebody with really cool quotes. I should know. I've had to incorporate them into debate. It's such terrible fun to find one with the same ideas that you have in your case *roll of eyes*.

A lot of people would say that their goal in life is to find out their goal in life. That would be the "why" phase (inside joke -- go read the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy -- or don't). It's obviously pretty hard for someone who denies the existence of God. According to the "average evolutionist expert", we come from pond scum, we probably return to pond scum and add ourselves to the nonexistent oil reserves for future generations. And on top of that, we like our life, even if we don't know what it's for, so we have to become immortal to continue pondering said questions until we just give up. "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall surely die!"

It occurs to me that said philosophical question can be answered very easily by any theologian. In fact, the theologian spends a whole lot of time considering what we do after we find this answer. So perhaps the "average philosopher" is a wayward theologian? Or just stubborn.

But then, why not just "leave that question to the philosophers"? :)


What kind of creature is that??


Cold, wet weather. Thunderstorms today for Nac and College station... temperatures roughly 60 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. Snow in Stillwater, it would appear. A gloomy, rainy, cold day. Maybe I'll go mess around in the rain sometime today, get really wet and really cold, and then come in and play inside all day. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be doing something useful today. What a shame to waste a perfectly rainy day. :-\

I'm putting up a new picture. Have patience.



  1. That's a pretty good post. If you read Plato's Republic, you get the idea that these guys were baffled theologians who were just too stubborn to admit it, and too silly to go see the real answer, which was under their noses.

    It's cold and blustery here today, too. Snow this morning, and snow this afternoon, but none of it's sticking. *sigh*

  2. It's snowing up here and we have about an inch accumulated. I wish it were raining, I love the rain!


  3. Did I say one inch of snow? I must have been mistaken because there is closer to 2-3 inches of powder sonw, perfect for skiing I've been told! (but not so good for snowmen or snowballs)


  4. Thanks for the encouragement! I won't abandon it, just seek to recapture my interest by adding a secondary blog to mess with.

    The most philosophical quote I can think of is "The occupation of a 'philosopher' is generally a term disillusioned people use for themselves when they have no real idea of what they're talking about - they just like to use really long words and make other people think they're the most brilliant and misunderstood genius since Einstein.

    Nice picture.

