Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Brief note (re-verbed)

Imagine that. I have this nice big long post on the 31st, a notice on the 1st, and all you (not you-- you) can say is "is that it?" Have patience, my friend. :)

Notice for webbers and bloggers reading: I don't like to respond to comments with comments. I mean, who comments on their own post? Don't answer that literally. I know a few people too.

Yes I got an email. Yes I read it. Yes I am waiting expectantly and hopefully for a brandnewunlostreallygood cd. The last one, of course, disappeared. Searched the house, scoured the house, stripped the wallpaper looking for said cd (the house is painted mostly, so that wasn't really a big deal) . Looked in the place where it should be. Couldn't find it. So I ask for it. And it comes. :)

I'll find a good picture now and post it for your enjoyment.

Somewhere in Germany

For surely that is the point of this blog? For viewer/reader enjoyment? Surely not!? Now I have some point besides just typing so that you can read it. Or do I? Well I have to admit, part of my motivation is the feedback from the "comments" section (maybe I'll rename that). Part of it is just -- hey, why not? Some people tell me more writing makes better writing. Ummmmm... yeah. I'll be sure to try and remember that. I wonder if I should try to disprove that....

I'm done. :D



  1. I know you said that your commenting on your own blog question was rhetorical, but I just have to say that it isn't that weird to comment on your own blog, I do it all the time! And we all know that if I do something it can't be weird *cough cough* (Jc!)


  2. So does that picture's coolness factor come from the combination of medieval castle and modern fighters? :o)

    Nice profile picture. I seem to recognize that from somewhere.

  3. Consider the point seriously considered.

    It's a big impressive castle with several impressive aircraft over it.

    I can't imagine you recognizing that picture. I took it just two weeks ago. You could have seen it on skype....

  4. Excellent. A good post. I suppose I should defend myself now. You said "For your February message." That implies to me that this would be your only post for the entire month and it was my simple opinion that that was a rather strange and short post if that's all you were gonna give us for the whole month. So there.

    And I agree, it is weird to comment on your own blog.


  5. I have my own blog critic (just to keep things \interesting\) :D

  6. Hahaha, I didn't even notice that inconsistency. :-) On my Xanga I believe I said creation both times....

    Cabbage is Candace, you know, the one linked on Evan's blog. lol, the Carrillos were so my first thought. Past your insinuation that the person is a Carrillo, no, I don't know what you're talking about. So.


  7. I would WHAT!???!

    Happy V-day.

