Sunday, May 04, 2008

Life -- again

Long overdue. Requested at least once, probably twice (or ... *gasp* more?!). Something like life for a while back.

BTW, did I mention the 21st was my 16th? Good.

Since I can't start at the beginning, I shall begin somewhere near the now, from April 22-26. In the last "post", I put a link to hundreds of pictures. Those hundreds of pictures actually came from another NCFCA tournament in Houston, the Regional invitational. I didn't actually compete, but that's beside the point. That Wednesday, we (the usual East Texas group of debaters, all 3 of us) had the privilege of watching court procedures for an adoption. Quick and easy, not much talking, all the paperwork had been done before. This particular adoption was a 3 year old being adopted by Mrs. Jones brother and his wife, the very same that we've been staying with for every Houston tournament, and some other obscure details that I won't bother telling you the full story about. Anywho, it went well and Taylor is officially a B_____. Almost their entire family was there, and that's saying a lot. A lot of "howdy"s and "oh isn't Taylor cute in that jacket?!".

The adoption was "the other" reason for being there. The reason I was there was to watch and add moral support for Joshua, being the one that qualified for Regionals, but I have to admit there was a lot more than just him and his debating. There was Nathan, Rachel, Erika, and Kevin and their debating. :) And of course lots of speeches, as there always are. I timed 9 out of 12 speech and debate rounds. Starbucks giftcard, yaY! I shan't go into details right now about every speech and what they're all about, that's available upon request. Wednesday, we had an unofficial club meeting at Nathan's house. Thursday was a typical tournament day full of -- what else -- speaking and debating. Friday was the same. Saturday was finals day. Joshua and Rachel made it to octafinals, but no further, getting 11th and 13th (may be wrong). Rachel won 1st in OO!!

That was two weeks ago. Last week, strangely enough, was fairly uneventful, aside from Aunt Susan and Grayson (cousin, Uncle Mike and Aunt Ria went somewhere and Aunt Susan offered to bring him here for a couple days) coming Friday and leaving this afternoon. Also, yesterday, for the first time in ages, I managed to get out to the fields, wave flags, yell at uncooperative people, and get sunburned. That's right, refereeing soccer. The only reasons I ever do it is because I get paid and I'm often dragged along. But it went fairly well, and I was paid as usual.

Now it is almost 9:15. I would love to give you a blow by blow (love the thoroughness, F.B. ;) but I don't have it. More stuff tomorrow, if possible.


1 comment:

  1. Still sounds pretty sweet. I've never seen an adoption before, though one of the families in our church adopted a Chinese girl--so much paperwork!
