Thursday, August 28, 2008

And this is still life

Greetings, friends. Having a good beginning of the next school year, anybody?

How about not having the beginning of a semester? Yeah, I know. Maybe it would be considered off easy, but I personally think of it as "vacation time". Working through the summer has its ups and downs, and this is one of the ups.


Currently listening to Evanescence. I can guess at the various responses to it, but I kind of like them(or else I wouldn't be listening). It has something of a rock side, decent singers, and a solid foundation.

(this format familiar to anybody? :)

A typical pre-season day goes somewhat like this.

At 5:00 this morning, and several morning before, Dad woke me up and asked if I wanted to go exercising. My response was somewhat typical, "mmph." Not that it would make a difference, unless I happened to have some physical (not mental) reason to not get up that early to work out.

Details aren't important here. Mostly, I made it through the morning, as always, somewhat tired but better off in the end. Reading material is almost unlimited around here, so I normally take some sort of science fiction book (preferably Isaac Asimov) along to read while running on the elliptical.

After getting back at 6:30, Mom fixes breakfast, we both read the paper, and then all three of us go separate ways, Dad to work, Mom to a shower, and myself to either reading, sleeping (try getting up that early and not napping!), or checking emails. In fact, this lasts until 9 AM or so, at which point I decide that it might be worthwhile to do something that looks useful. Just the other day, I was on the computer most of the day (with the exception of Lunch) looking for computers (O_o) that Mom might like. Today, I had to catch up on several assignments and updates from a couple separate sources of debate homework.

Days like these are so weird: An hour of worthwhile something, followed by maybe half an hour of not much, succeeded by perhaps some random computer game. And I have to admit -- they're weird partially because I've made them so. But there are the factors of A) Andrew not being around, B) Ross not being around, therefore C) Three girls in particular drive me to leave off usefulness in search of peace and quiet. It doesn't always work :(

Today, as previously mentioned, I started some assignments, finished others, updated some more, and searched Google for a solution to a .docx problem. Lunch came eventually. The afternoon was a good deal less productive for myself (if indeed you can call that productivity), with a good deal more goofing off until 4:45, when I drove (with a front seat driver-passenger and a back seat library-goer) to a party at a friend's house. I suppose I must say that it was "sort of" a party. Various homeschoolers milled about until receiving permission to jump into the pool, where they splashed around until dinner call. After a good dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs, a meeting was called and an order established among the 16 teens on the yearbook staff. I was graciously appointed, by a pre-meeting conference among the editor-in-chief (chief for short) and two advisers, to Sports assistant editor, with two underlings.

Make of it what you will. I'm (almost) perfectly neutral on the matter.

No decisions were enforced producing my direction of an automobile back home. Mom drove. Showers were taken and some television was watched. I decided that one hour was enough to get my clothes folded, and I didn't care to hear any more about corpse techs, thankyouverymuch. So I returned to the computer (O_o), to finish this post which I had started before said party. I was suspended in my attempts by new developments on my Google home page, and saddened to the point where I couldn't finish unaffected (I still can't). So here I sit, typing about latest developments of life, thinking that it might change your mind about something. :)


Well (a deep subject is started upon), this editor business is not the only position of authority I have received recently. Many weeks ago I was requested to join the ICom student council (an honor to be so considered! there are only so many elder debaters, though). I expressed an interest, if somewhat limited by the fact that the meetings generally occur in person in Houston. To my pleasure, it appeared this Monday that I was accepted for Support VP (did I mention that there are three other VPs?). Support meaning, in this situation, mostly moral and morale support for anybody and everybody. Not my particular bag of chips (Outoftheblue, I know) for leadership position, but the best position for a person is not always the one they like. Not that it matters, I didn't even know the positions, much less my preference to one or another. I'm still somewhat neutral toward said position, though it is warming up to me some.


This isn't exactly experimentation, but it's not so typical. Hey, I'm just going for alternative ways of writing a blog post. :)

This is a closing comment. Goodnight, good morning, good afternoon, it all applies.


Post-production update.
Got the new Relient K album. I like it.


  1. Well, while I'm thinking of something to say about your post, I thought that I would mention that I like your profile picture. I must ask though, is it new? Because I don't remember it.

    Little sisters can be so annoying. I should know, since I am told quite often that I am one of said annoying group!

    16 people on a yearbook commitie!(sp?) Yikes! And I thought there were too many the year I was on it.


  2. Hey - you are always about trying something new, aren't you? How do you serve on a committee that's in Houston? Don't let the little sisters get to you too'll like them one day, I promise. Just escape into your music, books and blog and ignore for now. And learn to's a good thing to be able to help your mother out with chauferring duties..

    I like the way you wrote this time. Keeps me guessing what will be coming up next.
