Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Such as you make it

Hello again! Long time no see, perhaps? Well, see the last post and maybe you'll find out why!

Yep, I was gone three weeks. Not straight, I had internet access now and then, but as a general rule, I was fairly cut off from *all this*. Yes you know what I mean. If you don't, just make it up.

I don't like posting pictures of myself on this blog. It's just not my way. But, since one or another wanted to see this, or something like it

See? No braces! That's old news.

See my profile for the other one.

Glad to get that over with.

Here's something from Andrew, whether he likes it or not.


And yes he is in there. Watch carefully

I've put this off long enough. Mom's only bugged me... twice now? I think I normally get more than two before I write a new post. Old news.

Something before the major operation: On the 27th, a trip to Dallas, to visit our grandparents and several relatives. I forget what exactly happened, but generally that means a trip to half-price books and plenty of reading. Some napping is usually involved as well. We left the Tuesday after.

"It" started on a the next morning, 30th of July. That morning, Dad and I left for Oklahoma, specifically Stillwater. Long, fairly uneventful trip, myself driving roughly 5/8 (starting at the south end of the turnpike). I care not to comment further(good or bad). It was interesting to see what happened because we weren't expected until 24 hours later... but Evelyn knows more about that than I do.

F.B. put together such a nice post earlier about these couple days. I can hardly improve upon it. :)
Ok, so yes I have a couple comments. Logan had quite a few people over to his house Saturday night for Indiana Jones. "We" (various parties, always including Laura Stephen and I) spent a couple afternoons swimming at the Y.
Small side note: Football doesn't start with "ultimate", as far as I know. The nerf game was real, like a 4 player ultimate frisbee with a nerf ball in the water.

Unfortunately, I had to leave Sunday morning for PIne cOve. I have to admit (in fact would like to say), for a non-denominational Christian camp, they are reforming. It was worthwhile (as opposed to previous trips).
And aside from that, in general, it's a really cool camp. (on lake Palestine!)

Another slight break, getting back Saturday the 9th, and leaving the next morning with Joshua Jones for Nathan's house (Caleb and Mrs. Jones going along for the drive). This was sort of our birthday present to him, staying there until the Wednesday Mrs. Reynolds debate camp started. Much playing of computer games, some airsoft, some trampoline-ing, and watching Olympics. To any observer, it would appear like a large waste of time, but all three of us knew better than that. ;)
We actually did go to a homeschool group open house to show off for ICom (our speech and debate club), meet some old friends, make one or two new.

Wednesday at around noon, Mrs. Noman came by to pick up the three of us to take us to the Reynolds' (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!). And of course it is difficult to properly explain that. A whole bunch of debate materials went forth. Andrew Roybler and Samantha Nasser gave a large group of debaters (almost all of whom I had known from previous encounters) many lectures on the many points of debating. And best, afterwards, we went swimming and skiing on the (professional man-made ski) lake! After sunset, the crowd (maybe 20 people) played volleyball until 10(stopping only for ice cream and showers).
I suppose you may have noticed my temporary priorities. I guess I'll have to focus more this year than previous, being my last. :'(

Anyhow, I'm back now. Still tired from these past weeks of late nights.

I'm sure I've missed a lot. Tell me about it. No really.



  1. Wow, that was a really dis-jointed post. It sounds like your life has been a lot busier then mine.


  2. Oh, well thanks, I think. :P

  3. Augh, no one will leave that "puir wee" typo alone! *grin*

  4. Time for another...

  5. WOW! That was a LONG post, I don't think I could ever have that much to talk about. I'm so sorry about Andrew leaving, I know it was probably pretty hard,but I know how you feel. I also know that God will help you through it all no matter what. If you ever need to talk just write on my blog.
    Gabby :)
