Sunday, October 19, 2008

of course

Greetings to all those out there from where I am.

Right here, typing on a laptop...

Anywho, kewl stuff goin on around there, no doubt? But I'm supposed to tell you what's going on with me. Weird how that works O_o

I told somebody that something was another story for another day. Today is another day, so I shall tell you, even if you are not that somebody.

Walking through little-known streets and large neighborhoods. For what? Popcorn. Anybody want some? That's exactly the point!

Ah yes, the beginning would help. Simply put, BSA (Boy Scouts /of/ America) is having a huge fundraiser for all the local area councils. So scouts of all ages like myself put our dignity on the line and walk the streets ringing doorbells, talking to neighbours, posting blogs *ahem*, all for the purpose of selling popcorn. "On average, 70% goes to local scouting!" Whatever. The actual turns out to be roughly 30%, and if they're right, 40% more *trickles down* to the actual guys doing the actual dignity-on-the-line selling. And what happens to the rest? Nobody (that I know) knows. It merely disappears into the system....

And so I find myself rushing to be ready and meet at the high school with the rest of 342 (cubs, scouts, and venture-ers). I forgot to be ready ahead of time. Fortunately, Mr. Armstrong had some extra water bottles. We needed them. Perfect day to be wandering small town streets? Maybe. Cool weather, Saturday morning... at nine AM... Nobody awake?!

The local troops (in general) had Nacogdoches split into portions, one for each group. We were to cover the entire Northeast side of town, despite time restraints (9-noon selling). Mr. Armstrong split us into smaller groups and we headed out with our respective designated drivers. I wound up with the trailblazers (patrol) driven by Mr. Armstrong himself. The first place we covered was the "wood" subdivision north of the loop: Timberwood, Parkwood, Redwood, and so on. Not many people were awake, and those who were said either "not interested" or "there was a cute cub scout who came by earlier...." And so it went, until the whole place had been covered by one scout on each side of the street. Total sales/donations: Ryan $1, Ethan $20 some odd, Jonathan $18, myself $0.

Mr. Armstrong then picked us up and drove us to the next location, off Appleby Sands just before Starr, Pinecrest. Here we spent a good portion of the rest of the day, going down streets and side streets, eventually meeting up and moving on. Total sales by the end of this: Ryan $130 some odd, Jonathan $130 some odd, Ethan $80 some odd, myself $140 some odd (I forget exact numbers).

Moving on to the next location, a long almost straight road, maybe 1/2 mile long. Jonathan and Ryan started at one end while Ethan and I started on the other. I forget records about then. One more smallish section (it was nearing noon) and we headed back: totals roughly EthanA $180, JonathanC something three digits, above $100, Ryan same, myself $250 exact. Don't ask me how I did it.

There were some very interesting people along the way. At least once I was tempted to mention the Obama sign on the front lawn, but weirdly enough most of them who showed at the door bought something. O_o
Quite a few old folks. Did you not know, Nacogdoches is mostly (and I'm using the term lightly) old folks and college students. Quite a few elder citizens were quite willing to talk, and many had sons in scouting or had been involved themselves. One man told me to get Eagle before I start driving, because there's not enough time after that! I suppose it's too late for me... despite the fact that there's already not enough time in a day to do what is desired.


Hey! Who wants popcorn? :-)
And you'll need this

NO you don't have to. I am perfectly content having you as friends. :)


Pictures of escapades are here
It helps if you click on the "here" -- it's a link ;)

Ok y'all, I'm done here. Time to go to bed. Night!



  1. Oogh.... Popcorn selling. Hope you don't have to do that too often. :o) Sounds fairly successful, though.

  2. I will not lie, popcorn is no fun to sell. I have done it many times with little bro. Not that I blame him, he made good money and usually paid off summer camp.

    The chocolate is the best!


  3. Ha, good post.

    Good luck with your SAT and PSAT scores. You still have a while to retake it though if you need to. Me - not so much.


  4. One of my least favorite things to do, too..I really didn't look those days when I had to sell anything door to door. Didn't care what the cause was for. Are you done with the selling?

  5. Lol, yes, very cold (finally!)

