Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Things from hither


What's up y'all?

A friend hinted that I should put something here. Fear not my friends, I shall return!

... in time. Man, how the time does fly when you're not posting on the ol' blog.

Current projects, distractions and obsessions (beware, this may turn into a ridiculous list of random words jumbled together attempting to describe my life):

#1 School! All of it. Dual-credit classes at SFA, just like my two older bro's did, only I'm only taking this one semester. 10 hours of course, and what with 3 finals and a paper coming up waaay too fast -- it's taking a little bit of my time. (wait a second, did I mention this way back in September?)
Also, I've been accepted to Texas A&M. Now just to schedule that NSC to make it official.
Whoop! Only, I won't be allowed to even know about that. Corps of cadets and whatnot.

#2 ... Let me think about this.
Ah yes, that elusive Boy Scout Eagle rank. Difficult, yet very worthwhile. I'm at the point of getting authorization for a project, and aside from that I have very little to do.

There is no #3. The rest just go in that jumbled list.

Allow me to rescind that statement. It came to me. Speech/Debate in the NCFCA. Yes, I know, I said I wasn't coming back this year. Well, good news (or bad news, depending on your perspective): I'm coming back. So, plenty of research on the new resolution (competition is superior to cooperation as a means of achieving excellence), plenty of research and card outlines for apologetics (all 100 questions, randomly drawn, 4 minutes pre-speech prep), and finalizing/refining my humorous interp (calvin and hobbes, 10 minutes).

Jumbled list!
ICOM business, emails (seriously, I mean it), piano, a small homeschool group band, various camping trips, an old RC plane model found in the closet, planning stuff for this spring and summer

In the sake of following the complete train of thought, #0 is glorify God. That's 0 because it's not just a priority, it's a current event, and will (Lord willing) remain so.

Some pictures coming up, to be sure. From where, and of what, I don't know. But they're coming :)

God bless, haffagudday!


  1. Sounds like you're pretty busy! I'll be praying that everything goes well. Looking forward to those pictures! :)

  2. Glad you're still alive at any rate. :o) How are those finals going? Can't wait to see you guys next week!
