Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My shoulder is looked over

I can only stay away for so long... and my attention span may be lacking something.  Eh.  (Let the philosophers among us consider that one)

Pictures!  (and there was rejoicing -- no?  maybe it's over-hyped a bit)

Ryan's 14th party/PB
That was... November. 'Twas fun, thanks Ryan :)

ICOM Christmas 09
December 17 and 18th, in Houston, with the large speech/debate crowd.  Lotsa fun. :)  

Homeschool Harvest Party 09
This would be the Homeschool Harvest Party, in case you prefer to read my own writing instead of the actual labeling of said album. Let you consider this the official labeling then!

Biking 09
This set of pictures is from the second most recent camping trip that yours truly has gone upon, also back in November. Again, if you can't read the label, this would be the biking trip!

In case you wanted to know, the most recent trip was the "cooking" campout. We had one actual cooking competition while out there, and the... Rangers? won it. But the big deal would of course be the fact that most of the time we were out there (Swift & Silent Paintball) we were playing paintball! That was an unofficial activity, since BSA is unlikely to allow such an act. But we had fun with it anyhow, even my own father! :)

Ok, well I don't have a lot to add to that at this point, I'm afraid. Must be off soon.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, I think somebody really is looking over my shoulder as I type. Don't mind any stray typos...

Cheerio! God bless!

Edit: Allow me to rescind yet another statement of "I'm done". As the editor I feel it is my obligation to inform you that the previous post was typed up by a guest writer. While I haven't gone over every single potential grammatical or spelling error, let it be known that I am at this point willing to back up her statements. That is all.


  1. Haha, funny to watch you and Inky tag team. So glad you all came! Was wonderful. :o)

  2. Thanks for putting up all the pictures! *feels guilty* I haven't taken any pictures of anything in forever...anyway, glad to know that everything's going well!
    God bless!
