Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Proof of concept

The break has fallen upon the back of time itself!  It seems almost too ideal for the one to come at the same time as the other, as if just to limit the available break time to the already overworked crowds of students.
Then again, it might well be more inappropriate if it was the night before a test.  Who thought this whole thing through anyway?

Now there's a rather leading question.  It's almost as if I were going to answer if for you!  Don't ask me to think it through too much.  Just because somebody decided that the longer days of summer meant that sunlight was being wasted and people should get up earlier to accomplish more... oh right.
If anybody was interested, a research into the matter of energy consumption found that DST in California doesn't help energy costs, it instead drives costs up because of people getting home earlier and needing the AC on earlier.
(By the way, the concept was spoken by Ben Franklin, proposed in detail by George Hudson, and first implemented during WWI)
Now I've gone and thought it through, despite my objections.  So now we're both just a bit more informed, if not more intelligent or wise.  Those two require a bit more than just reading my words, I'm afraid.

Food for thought:  Why are you here?  Right where you are, right now, reading this as if it were an everyday matter?
Take it how you like.  My personal thoughts revolve firstly around how I got to eventually sitting down and typing up something to post on ye olde blog, and then more general -- what is my purpose for writing this?  Why bother?  Does it fit in with what I claim is the ultimate goal for existence?

My dear readers, thus began another rambling post that I embarked boldly upon, intending to see through to fruition.  Admittedly, it was mere minutes ago that it was written, and so you will find little changed in the manner of my writing, except to perhaps be more obfuscatory.
What has changed is that I went outside.  More accurately, I went and chilled in the front yard staring up at the newly clear skies above my house, full of stars, and pondered such things as deliberate belittling.  As easily as several constellations are to be identified and pointed out, so is it easy to relieve one's mind of any feeling of being overwhelmed.  Surely that wasn't the purpose though!  Familiarity doesn't, and shouldn't, make the heavens any less majestic.
Every star you can see with your eyes is an unthinkably large sphere of burning mass, and the distances between them are equally unthinkable in comparison.  Even more so, quite often what you see is not one star, but an entire galaxy -- with an unthinkable number of stars, many times as unthinkably large across, and quite precisely located to look like each particular constellation.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" A Psalm of David, Psalm 8:3-4

And with all the effort required for each one, isn't it something that you personally took a lot more care and effort? Those are the works of fingertips. Almost an afterthought, certainly not the big event. That's your job. They're there to let you know how much God cares for you, how much effort you were worth. It's said of humans that we are a body with a soul. Try the other way around: you are a soul bound for unending time, with a body granted to you for a bit, separated from you for a while, and then rejoined for all of eternity.
I'll admit it, I'm echoing Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and a couple others here.  And I didn't even take notes.  He's been blessed with some amazing insight that doesn't occur in my life.


Obfuscation is done.  That seems to be a particular talent of mine.  In fact, that break was probably one of the most straightforward things I've said all day.

Never give your mind a break, don't take the day off, don't stop thinking, and don't blink...
Wrong reference.  AnyWho, the more breaks you take, the harder it is to get back into a solid habit of having much to think about, and life gradually becomes too simple to tolerate.

One should be very glad that proof-reading is not gone out of practice completely...

So with these many numerous disjointed and possibly distracting and self-contradictory thoughts, I leave you to return to spending life in another manner.
What is your confidence in life and death?

God bless!


  1. This was very encouraging, thank you for posting!

  2. Ah, so you have a blog too! Nice to've found it.
