Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Motivated yet?

Nay, surely not!  I refuse to continue this whilst the world carries on!  Yet do they need me?  Need I say a word and benefit a person other than myself, reserving these monologues for some long sleepless night?
Are these monologues even meaningful?  Perhaps thought only occurs to me when I wish to speak out, and the rest of the time my mind is content to lie as fallow ground.  But then surely I shall speak out more often, lest that mind remain fallow ground until it can no longer bring forth any value, much less that of its own former self-imagined glory!
Background for this thought: didn't I last month say something to the effect of I'm done not writing?  Well golly, every time I say this sort of thing, the length of time only extends itself.  Plus its extremely redundant.  I'm tired of saying such things, as you surely are tired of reading it, because you and I both know how long it has been but are both rather glad to be hearing from this keyboard again. (Oh yeah, and I might be typing on it...)

Perfection is a hard thing to strive for, and takes up way too much time.  I sometimes wonder, how can somebody be back from an event for a mere 15 minutes and already have their entire collection of photos easily accessible to the public?  Did they skip the important editing process?  Was the editing process merely deemed valueless, to be relegated to those pictures that might have some slight chance of being printed?
Background for this thought (though it hardly seems important enough to italicize): I've got about 140 pictures from the past few months chilling on my hard drive, waiting for me to sort through them and find something to do with them.  Yet a lot of the time, it seems I'm the only who will get value of them at any later time.  When was the last time you said to somebody, "Can I see the massive collection of pictures on your hard drive?  I'm sure there's something there that will mean something to me."
How that one does go on and on.  It takes a special kind of person to handle these sorts of thoughts -- specifically one with time to go and do what I have committed to and still deal with their normal life! (Engineering, how thy pursuits do test the limits of a wakening day!  What shall be done with thee?)

Knowing that all this can only defer to a higher power, I must protest!  Why are you still reading, anyway?  Anna has written a wonderful piece reflecting on Psalm 23 -- go read both of them! (the poem and the psalm)
John Bunyan, I have recently found, is well known for his well known book, The Pilgrims Progress, and not without reason.  I realize I just stated the obvious; Yet is it not the place of such as I to state the obvious, knowing that somebody may not have realized or heard the obvious!
If you desire recent news -- well, for goodness sakes, are you not reading this on your browser?  Get thee hence, remove thy eyes from my page and catch up with the rest of the world out there.  I can hardly claim to be up to date, this place keeps me about a week behind everything except for big news, and I am content to dwell in peace for now.

But, say you, I wanted to hear how your life is going!  Mine?  You desire news of my poor existence?  It's definitely not an entirely unique fact that I live where I live, nor that I carry out normal operations of a day such as many others, but the way I respond to those normal operations and anything that falls outside these norms may be classified as relevant to my appearance as an individual.
Remember, individuality is sourced in the fact that one is made as in the image of his one and only Creator.  Ehwhat, what ho?

There are many countless little changes that seem to have little effect on the long term, on the outcome of the "eventual", though those countless little things add up.  I had not previous to this moment realized how radically different the room I currently sit in is from what I had imagined or seen previously of my life.  I have been blessed with a guitar to play should I so desire and it currently resides a mere 3 feet from my seat, while a wonderful keyboard that my roommate purchased (James!  Oh how I could go on about him, and perhaps I should...) resides another 2 feet in the same direction.  Man how I do love that particular combination.
Being the first thing that came into my mind as I was writing this, the significance of my access to musical instruments and the ability to practice regularly (or lack thereof because of engineering again) can't hold much to the significance of other things.  But I digress.

Perhaps I should mention my "Air Force motivated" tendencies?  Due to some circumstances this semester that I had not foreseen, it has become more possible that I'll be able to fly in said AF with some of the most incredible pilots and aircraft in the world!  How great would that be??

Composure regained

This brings me to the end of a previously allotted time for me to sit down and write.  I must leave you now, perhaps to focus strongly on another predetermined goal such as homework.

God bless!


  1. Totally confused me... You almost sound like an English major.

  2. Haha! In my quest to piece together the workings of the psychological realm of our brains, I have found many useful and sometimes amusing facts. However, the actual thought in process is, in my opinion, the most complex, interesting, amazing, and most reliable source of information. Information-perhaps the reason for this blog's existence and a friend's curiosity at how you are faring :P

    And I just uploaded a ton of photos from....last year! Lol!
