Saturday, September 23, 2006


Hello Hello, sure sure, this is my frist post and all, but I don't expect it to be perfect or anything, but just long enough and just short enough and just right to tell you that unless I can do sometin bout it, I won't post much fer the next week or so. I'm sure most of the people seeing this blog will know me as I am, that strange person calling himself "spectre" or "petr" (or in some cases known as petra... daisy :). I may have some interesting comments over the next few days or so, considering I'm probly gonna tell everyone I normally check up on. There are, of course, those strange people (as the OK people see them) from my local area, and there are those strange people (as anyone in Texas can plainly see - you can tell I'm slightly biased :) in the circle of friends from Oklahoma.

Please get along, I don't want any strange comments. I'm sure you've all had your share of that stuff, and don't want any.

Well, here begins the real stuff. As for comins and goins, Ross was here briefly for an Eagle Court of Honor (by the way, that was good, cada), and will leave tommorow. The rest of it, if you don't know, you probly don't need to. :)

Here ends the first post, mabye. Cada, next time I see you, could you maybe possibly help me with the template? It doesn't like me.

Ok, as of now, it won't let me edit anything important to me right now. I'll be back lata.


  1. Hey, you have a blog now! Wow! Pretty soon everyone I know in the whole world will have a blog. :o)

    Oh, so Ross was back? That sounds like fun.

  2. "Something."

    There. Satisfied?

  3. That was perfect Shadow. Perfect.

    Yes Ross is back, but as I said, He won't be back for long.

  4. haha, this is great! how fun that everyone is getting a blog :) miss you! you better be good for my mom this week :) have fun at my house!

  5. hey there P. Its me Nick. my blog is or you can find it on cada's blog as gibson or is les paul I don't remember. cool stuff.

  6. Gotcha Nick. Actually, I already check up on you regularly. Sometime next week I might link you, if I can every figure out the Template stuff (HTML code).

  7. You realize of course that this means you actually have to "update" your blog. I have an auto-checker that tells me though, so I don't have to keep coming back ;)

    Have fun with the template.

  8. Instinct, hahaha. *victory dance* I knew you'd come around sooner or later. Ya'll guys are rising from the dead faster than I cna count!


  9. JCP, that is a truly scary thought. Rising up from the dead...

    Hey! A little progress on the template!

  10. Okay, I'm still confused as to the blog's title. You say you're Shadow's friend. Then you say you're Spectre's relative? But isn't that yourself? I'm corn-fused.
