Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Yes indeed I am posting again... or at least will have typed this up by the time you read it. Who is "you", and are you still watching this blog and others for updates? Or have you guys just given up on me?

Debate has finally caught up with me. And Boy Scouts. And Skiing. I have been gone... just about every weekend since January!! The most recent event that I was gone at was yet another NCFCA speech and debate competition, in Bedford. I was gone from Wednesday to Saturday debating and supporting debaters in the West Houston club (joined the club with an online extension). And out of 6 debates that should have happened, and at least three that I really think that I shoulda won, I only won 1, and that was by default because there was no negative side. A 0-5 record?? :( Not very good for one's self-esteem. (inside joke involving Rush Limbaugh) :)

And coming up this weekend is yet another event, something in preparation for a summer Boy Scout event. That will be over a week and many miles. This weekend we will be hiking 28 miles in three days. Quite hard on the legs.

So, who has not heard that I got a gerbil? Or did I already post that? The "Esther" matter. No big deal. I got a used gerbil from the Reeses. It mostly lies around sleeping, at least most of the day, and a good portion of the night. Strange rodents they are...

Mom finished my quilt! Yay!

No pictures for anybody yet. Can't bother with the time involved. :~D

Fairly short post. But aren't those the ones that get lots of comments, regular and... strange?


  1. You got Esther!?!?!

  2. Yes, I got "Esther". I got him because Gabby wanted a ferret. (strange?)

  3. Actually, Gabby got a ferret.

  4. Okay. I thought it was funny the way you said "used" gerbil;)

  5. Umm.... I had something useful to say but I just forgot it.

    Good grief, you've been gone a lot! Will you be there when we come to visit, or will it be time for trips to Mars then? *grin*

    Gerbils are peculiar little creatures. But rather cheerful, too. :o)

  6. For your information, Specter, all I changed was a little bit on my profile:)

  7. Jc_penny says you are a lazy oaf for not taking the time to load a picture;)
    -ellentia (for jcp)

  8. I'm a lazy oaf? That sounds so... nice! But it is true, I don't have any explanation for the lack of pictures other than "I don't want to yet". Well toodles JCP! (that is NOT an insult)

  9. All right, where are you? Surely something interesting has happened.
