Friday, February 02, 2007

Here go I

Again, I must answer the pressing question that JCP presents. (why must you always ask those weird pressing questions?!)

Why is(are) she and Ellentia on both link lists?
Why not? I mean, sure they live in OK, but that doesn't mean that they aren't still "friends of Texas". (should I maybe change the title to the links? I seem to never be sure of anything...) And besides, this is my blog, shouldn't that choice be up to me? ;)

So... I'm a gonna be gone for the next--entire--week!! Nobody will hear anything from me, unless I can manage to hijack a computer, which is very unlikely, so to all I say "BYE!!!"

And BTW, I'm going skiing in Colorado, in the same place that Ross "bumped" his head... I'll explain later.

So bye again!


  1. Speaking of hijacking computers, that's what he's doing now. Well, not exactly hijacking, but we got a new computer and Amigo stole the surge protector from one of our old computers for it. I think he like the sound system it has.

  2. BTW, I think I'll invent something for those who get white rabbited. It will be know as the "blue monkey". BLUE MONKEY!

  3. That comment should be Admiral Nelson, but something switched.

  4. Have fun! I have never been skiing before...

  5. Have fun! Watch out for rabid polar bears! :o)

  6. So are you going skiing? I really enjoy doing that, the burning feeling in your thighs when you get to the bottom, the thrill of speed, the control on slippery surfaces. Very fun!

    We like to laugh at all the snowboarders who almost constantly are sitting on the ground somewhere ;)

  7. The cruelty, Shadow! I don't particularly sit around thinking up pressing questions. I just say whatever pops into my head at the moment.

    I didn't know you did it on purpose! I was just trying to be a good friend helping out a slightly mentally impaired friend....

  8. Mentally impaired?!?!?!

  9. Cruelty?!!? Mentally impaired?!! JUST WHAT has been going on in my blog while I was away?!?


    So yes, I'm back. Anyone who has updated within the past week should see one of my comments on their blogs. Seeing as how certain people (hint hint) haven't updated in a while, they will not find one of my comments.

    I am also planning a few link changes and possibly layout changes, so check up sometime soon.

    Skiing was fun. So... what Shadow said made some sense in the context, but JCP apparently came up with something quite random. Is there some explanation behind this?

    And yes, the snowboarders are funny when they go down the mountain--mostly on their seats!
    I find that the "thrill of the speed" is more fun when you go faster and the slightest bump will send you flying... but I find that happens rarely now, unless you wanna get in trouble for it, or just get miles ahead of the rest of the group...

    My, my! How I wind on and on!

  10. Yes, you might just as well have posted....The link changes are very nice.

    I didn't mean anything particularly damaging to you, Spec, when I made that comment about your mental impairedness. About the random comment: It wasn't random! I was just sticking up for the poor snowboarders who aren't here to defend themselves. :-P

    Thank you for your lovely comment. Evan Y thinks I've forgotten all about you all...the idea

  11. POST! And thank you for your comment;)

  12. OH, well just WHY might I do something quite so STRANGE AND ABSURD as POSTING??? :D
