Saturday, July 26, 2008

Did you get the memo

Andrew got a blog? At the bottom of the last post. I suppose I should put it at the top if I wanted it to be read...

anyhow, how about a little traffic for the departing hero?

Another memo for you.

3 weeks. That's how long I'll be gone. Big plans, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step toward the car. Unfortunately, this means I'll have to do some driving. Oh BOY.

And another memo.

Letsee, Dallas (mostly Mom's side of the family), Oklahoma (Stillwater, here we come! Ohyeah, that would be Dad's side), pĩn cőv (or are those the wrong special characters?), and finally, South Texas for debate camp.

So those are the memos. Questions, comments? THAT'S TOO BAD! :)
(just post something, if you must)



  1. We will miss you. I hope they don't make too much of a mess of your room.


  2. Wow, that is some trip! Have fun!


  3. How are the Chinese cheating? If you are referring to the age of the gymnasts, I can't argue that they look too young, but it isn't the worst offense that I could think of. I also wonder why there is an age limit in the first place... I will have to look that up.


  4. Where did that picture come from? I've never seen it.

    Hope you post something new soon.
