Sunday, March 28, 2010

Repeat of a past non-intrigue

Hi there!

Yeah, it's me again, back at "ye ol' drawin' board". Somebody pointed out to me that this poor ol' blog is rather neglected, and I agreed. Maybe it's time to get back to the mindset of "I wonder if I could blog about that..."

So, as a fulfilled promise, I give you these further sources of funny looking html code. To the average eye it may appear like a simple picture with a link, but don't be fooled!

Ski trip 2010

Texas National Open 10

Farmington 10

The last is the one freshest in my memory, though I suppose a brief recall of events may help those not previously involved.

So -- Ski trip 2010: see previous post :)

TX National Open: The NCFCA tournament held in Texas open to debaters all debaters, not just those from region 4 (TX, OK, NM, AK). Worth mentioning is the fact that Joshua Jones got first place speaker!! (not place, mind you. There is a difference)
Furthermore, I competed in extemporaneous starting this tournament and will continue to do so through at least one more. Basically, they give the competitor (assume the name "you" until further notice) 3 topics to choose from, all based on current events: "Will the A350 be a viable competitor to the Boeing 787?" and the like. "You" has (have?) thirty minutes to prepare a seven minute speech on one of the three topics. Further, You has been doing research on hopefully any and every current event for the past 3 months and will print off any and all articles from any and every source. You then can quote anything s/he likes from these articles, provided they can fit it and their entire speech outline on a 3x5 index card. At the end of the thirty minutes, You must go give the speech in a separate room, taking only the index card.
Sound fun yet? :)

Also worth note is the fact that I finally got my Humorous Interp (basically a ten minute, one person comedy) memorized and almost reasonable. Alas, it was still several minutes long. So I used a different script altogether for the...

Farmington, New Mexico (CHILE Qualifier) tournament: Held in Farmington, NM, open to those from region 4.
Worth note -- my new script is based on a folklore tale. Thanks to Mom for finding it!
Further, I (finally) broke to outrounds in debate. Strangely enough I beat the first person in octafinals, but then lost in quarterfinals, winding up with 8th place in the tournament. I'm quite happy with that :)
Even more information -- the reason for so few as 17 pictures from this tournament and so many in/from a car is that during the tournament and before I could really get the pictures I was looking for, the camera was used as a video camera and all memory card used up. No, taking pictures is not my passion, but I still lament not having more space or another card.

Feel free to ask questions. Those who know me are familiar with the fact that I answer questions more easily than volunteering information... (though that statement came rather easily. I wonder why)

Have I missed anything yet? My my, it appears to be near the end of March! If I'm to keep up once-a-month postings, I might as well start very soon this week.

I rather wish Annie would return, it's beginning to look rather lonely around here without her claws...

God bless!


  1. Thank you for updating. Good to know that you are still here- Oh, wait, you live here. Nevermind.

  2. Yeah, glad to know you're still alive down there and the car hasn't devoured you since you've spent so much time in it. :o) Now I actually know what it feels like to be on a lift! Yay! :o)

  3. More events about which to blog? Come on.
