Monday, November 13, 2006

Debate and Blogging

If I believed in such, I would say "wish me luck", but since I don't I'm just gonna havta trust that God will bring me out of this without any "serious" problem.

I'm going to a speech and debate conference tomorrow. The conference doesn't actually start until Wednesday, I think, but we'll be there early. A five hour trip...
I don't know how many of you already know, but I was really discouraged by the debate tournament I went to last year. I don't think Mrs. Jones would like to hear such news, but I am getting stressed out by the idea of... well, I spose its mostly the preparation and all, or something. I'm not even sure myself.

(Now would be a really great time to get an eletter from F.B.)

Those Bloggers out there who have recently updated have not doubt gotten the same notification I did. The new version is ready. This new version should make many things more convenient, but also change the blogosphere forever. I say we do it. I already have my Google account, I don't really have to do much at all. What say you?


  1. I hope it went well! Don't stress too much--you won't lose your salvation because of a debate tournament. :o) God is watching over it all.

    Sorry for the lack of eletters. Things have been singularly crazy around here.

  2. Well, I can't say it went well, because I haven't even left!

    I should imagine that things are more than singularly crazy. Why, they're multilarly crazy! :)

  3. I can't say I did receive a notification of the new blogspot thing, because I switched long ago. They still should be working on some new features now the Google has it all in hand :)

  4. multilarly....

    I say we don't do anything at all - I don't know anything about Blogger Beta. What does it do? What are the pros and cons? I have absolutely no inclination to switch.

    I shall be posting fairly soon on your comment regarding Dancing with the Stars.

    Have a good time at your conference. I know you didn't have the best time at Bedford; was it your fault you had to debate all those sharks? No. If it makes you feel better, I debated 2 Larimers. I was pulverized. The only debate I won didn't really count because it was a BYE. :-P I think I should have beat Miles, but the judges say no. *sigh*

    The best part of the tournament for me was impromptu. All inhibitions shed, I had so much fun with it. I never remembered to think of a Bible story during prep time, so I just made one up (really impromptu), and it was usually so random, the judges laughed out loud! :-D Fun times.

