Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm back here now

And yet somehow, I will be gone sometime soon, just Tuesday morning, on a trip to Mexico.

But the big thing from last week was the CFC conference that Johua Jones and I went to. Here is an excerpt from an email to my cousin. I don't want to spend a lot of time retyping it.

boy am i glad that it was NOT a tournmaent. i am NOT ready for a speech or deebate tournament, and it will take a wile to get ready. im gonna havta do an average of about an hour a day research on "Resolvd: that democracry is overvalud by the us govrnment." i do havto go to a turnament in january. *groan* i dont know if i even want to or not. i gues if it coms to that, mom says im going.
the confernce went well, as well as a Communicators for Christ conference normally goes, i gues, evn if ther wer more people ther than they wer used to. i spent most of wednesday thursday friday and saturday sitting and listeningto someone talk about spechifying or debating. they did hav a small competition thrusday afternoon. i did an interpratation and an impromtu. the interpratation was a small peace of something written by someone interpretied by me in som way. i spose i did ok in that. the impromtu is a limitd prep speech, i draw a subject from an envelope and have 2 minutes to prepare a max length 5 minut speechify. i can normally do prety ok, but i dont think that one really went. like "howd it go?" "it didnt go" i didnt do wel on that one.
i need to brek that big long paragraph. thursday night we did a group interpretation of robin hood, limited by time and preparation time. we got mayb max two hours to prep and the interp wasnt even much of the robin hod story. but oh wel, it went well.
saturday night i got to be in a "group debate", a sort of funny incomplete debate with a bunch of people. we got the resolution (it was a value debate--you know the difference between team policy and lincoln-douglass value, yes?) "that carrots should be valued over candy". i was on the affirmative and didnt do much except answer cross-examination questions. we only went through the 1NC anyways.
did any of that boggle you? it was ment to. :#D
is that... a bloody nose maybe?

And with a bloody nose and this small note, I will end this short post. I have made up my mind, I WILL DO IT!! Right this minute I will switch and not delay any longer! "Goodbye cruel world!" or something! Lets hear it for cliques used out of context!

A small conclusion dedicated to my friend Evan:

Evan, where did that happiness go? You decided to be happy, and it all disappeared. Where did it go?


OH! I am so INSULTED! They go and tell me for a week or two that I should switch, and when I try to, they tell me to WAIT!! AARRGH!!


  1. Switch to Beta? Just shows you the logic of THAT. :-)

    Tournament in January? No way.

    I agree with the quote to Evan.

    And finally, I'm still working on the DwtS post. Coming Soon.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. Yes, thank you JCP. *sarcasm*

    And a happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  3. It was taken by a huge, massive, scary 10 page research paper. Where did it go? To the place where all my friends went, if I knew where that I was I wouldn't be where I am. Does that answer your question? Yes? Oh I"M soooo glad!!!!! It fills my heart with an unspeakable glee to see that you understand!
