Friday, December 01, 2006



  1. At least you managed a comment...



  2. Do you not like it when I'm silent, JCP?

  3. Ack! Got me. Everybody ALWAYS gets me. It may take decades before I'm used to this White Rabbit thing.

    Last semester I had a really late night and so I just stayed up a little later and at exactly 12:01 (even though 12:00 would have sufficed) sent a white rabbit greetings to your cousing Frodo. I don't know if anyone looked at the time-stamp though. Well, that was the only attempt I've made at this game.

  4. Ha. Thanks. :o)

  5. You absolutely win the most interesting comment of the month. :-)

    1. If you insist, I'll leave it as Spectre. It's definitely easier to say than "Amingo de la sombra." But just wait, now I know what to do if you become a thorn in my side, mwahaaha. :-D

    2. When your family was out of town, we had Speech & Debate at our house. Dr. Srader made a couple of us do impromtus, and mine was what I wanted to be when I was a little kid. I honestly wanted to train dolphins. Several people thought that quite funny, and I can see that you, for some reason, are one of them. :-P

    3. I'm tired of recruiting! I kind of wish a fifth Venturer would just pop up out of the ground. That would definitely be exciting. :-)

    4. WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU???!!!? NO ADVENT CANDLES????!!!!?!?. *deep breath* Okay. I know you didn't ask, but you did all the same so I'm going to tell you. It's kind of like the 12 days of Christmas. Advent begins on the first Sunday in December.

    You have a set of five candles: three purple and one pink, all the same size, and one large white one, called the Christ candle. I couldn't find a satisfactory picture with all the correct colors, so mine are all orange-ish, but orange is not the traditional color.

    On the first week of advent, you light the hope candle. On the next Sunday, you relight the hope candle and you also light the peace candle. You continue like that, lighting one new candle every week. Then on Christmas day or Christmas Eve, you light the Christ candle, and so all five candles are lit.

    Have I left anything out? I could go into a lot more detail, but I'll save that for later.

    Wait, here are some links.,612,44


  6. JCP, you take it too seriously. I was not making fun of your interest in dolphins.

    "Spectre" is easier. Like I said, The Shadow called me "Amingo de la sombra" and it sounded good, so I went with it. If it is easier for you to go with Spectre, fine.

    I'm not gonna bother with #3 or #4.

  7. :-) I have a friend who calls me queen serious. I have no idea why....okay, maybe a TINY idea. Now that's wierd: I just put "tiny" in all caps...but I'm sure you noticed. :-I

